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Photo Album of Illinois Civil War Soldiers

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Page 5 "D"

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Michael Dace - Co D, 115th Infantry

Nathaniel L. Daggett - Co D, 59th Infantry

John O. Darmer - Co E, 115th Infantry

William A. Davidson - 108th Infantry

Capt. Abram D. Daugherty - 12th Infantry

1st Lt. Levi Davis - Co G, 97th Infantry

Napoleon Davis - Co F, 26th Infantry

John Wesley Debord - Co A, 37th Infantry


Augustus Deedrich - Co D, 20th Infantry

Capt. Sterling P. Delano - Co L, 2nd Cavalry

1st Lt. Austin S. Dement - Co B, 2nd Cavalry

Thomas H. DeMott - Co E, 108th Infantry

Thomas Dennis - Co A, 112th Illinois Infantry

Abraham Deyo - Co B, 112th Infantry

Captain O. A. Dickerman, 44th Infantry

Colonel Theophilus L. Dickey - 4th Illinois Cavalry

William Allen Dickson - Perhaps Co E, 31st Illinois Infantry or Co H, 71st Illinois Infantry

George W. Dicus - Co H, 104th Illinois Infantry

Emmor Dilworth - Co B, 84th Illinois Infantry

Harvey Dilworth - Co B, 84th Illinois Infantry

Joseph Dir - Co D, 64th Illinois Infantry

Capt. Paul Distler - Co B, 14th Illinois Cavalry; Sgt. Major, HQ, 11th Illinois Cavalry

Elisha Dixon - Co K, 47th Illinois Infantry

George E. Dolton - Co M, 1st Light Artillery

Robert B. Donohoo - Co C, 11th Illinois Infantry

Whitmore Doolittle - Co B, 64th Illinois Infantry

Amos W. Downes - Co F, 49th Infantry

William A. Downs - Co B, 5th Cavalry

Henry A. Doty, Jr. - Co E, 104th Infantry

John S. H. Doty - 11th Infantry and 104th Infantry

Brevet Major John Dove - Co G, 115th Infantry

Robert Park Drake - Co K, 59th Infantry

William C. Drake - Co K, 59th Infantry

Lt. Col. Arthur Charles Ducat - 12th Infantry

Aaron (Henry) Duckworth - Co F, 15th Cavalry and Co I, 10th Cavalry

William M. Duffy - 108th Infantry

Martin Thomas Dumas - Co K, 10th Infantry

John Dunn - Co A, 92nd Illinois Infantry

Lt. Edward T. Durant - Co B, 33rd Illinois Infantry

Samuel S. Durfee - Co I, 13th Illinois Cavalry

George H. Dutton - Co H, 9th Illinois Cavalry

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For corrections or additions, please contact Special Project Coordinator: Kimberly Morgan

Last Edited: 10 Mar 2025

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