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Photo Album of Illinois Civil War Soldiers

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B. Page - 108th Infantry

Isaac D. Page - Co K, 57th Illinois Infantry

Leroy Page - Co K, 57th Illinois Infantry

Joel B. Paisley - Co D, 22nd Infantry

George H. Palmer, Co A, 83rd Illinois Infantry

George Levi Palmer - Co K, 7th Illinois Infantry

William Moore Parkinson - Co C, 11th Infantry

Capt. Pleasant M. Parks - Co H, 125th Illinois Infantry

Emerson N. Parsons - Co K, 133rd Infantry

Captain Zeboim Cartter Patten - Co H, 115th Infantry

Sylvester Patton - Co C, 25th Infantry

Alonzo Peak - Co B, 17th Illinois Cavalry

Captain Henry C. Peek - 1st Alabama Cavalry and 15th Illinois Cavalry

Woodford W. Peddicord - Lt. 115th Infantry

John Perry
D Company, 84th Illinois Infantry
Wounded at Chickamauga -
died of scury at Andersonville 1864

Luke Perry
D Company, 84th Illinois Infantry
Died of Wounds at Battle of Stones River

Nicholas Peters - Co C, 115th Infantry

Harvey Doyle Petty - Co C, 35th Illinois Infantry

Augustus Phillips - Co H, 64th Infantry

Edward N. Phillips - Co B, 47th Infantry

Orson Decatur Phillips - Co G, 100th Illinois Infantry

Assistant Surgeon Wesley Phillips - 112th Infantry

Jacob Piatt - Co C, 42nd Illinois Infantry

Samuel LeFevre and Leonard Pierpont - Co K, 76th Illinois Infantry

Edward Pixley - Co C, 115th Infantry

Hiram S. Plummer, Surgeon - 152nd Infantry

? Pogue - Co D, 22nd Illinois Infantry

Christopher C. Pogue - Co C, 14th Cavalry

Lt. Col. George A. Poteet - 115th Infantry

Daniel Potter - Co C, 136th Illinois Infantry and Co C, 18th Illinois Infantry

George Poundstone - 53rd Infantry


George Washington Powell - Co C, 26th Illinois Infantry

John R. Powell - Co H, 85th Infantry

William Henry Powell - Co I, 117th Infantry

Sylvester B. Price - Co H, 81st Infantry

Wesley Procop - Co G, 5th Illinois Cavalry

Samuel Purdum
2nd Lt. C Company, 59th Infantry

J. J. Purkey - Co B, 115th Infantry

John W. Purnell - Co B, 31st Illinois Infantry


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For corrections or additions, please contact Special Project Coordinator: Kimberly Morgan

Last Edited: 10 Mar 2025

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