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Photo Album of Illinois Civil War Soldiers

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Page 24 "W"

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Asa or Jacob Walaters - Co H, 152nd Illinois Infantry

Joseph M. Waddle - Co E, 115th Infantry

Joseph H. Walker - Co A, 126th Infantry

Rigdon B. Walker - Co A, 102nd Illinois Infantry

John Wallace - Co C, 42nd Illinois Infantry

Nicholas Walton - Co B, 65th Infantry

Zachariah Walton - Co B, 65th Infantry

Major Richard O. Warinner - Additional Paymaster

Manford T. Wasson - Co H, 152nd Illinois Infantry

William Wirt Watson - 21st Infantry

Henry Weatherwax - Co G, 129th Illinois Infantry

Asa L. Weaver- Co I, 95th Illinois Infantry

John R. C. Webber - Co E, 80th Infantry

Jonathan Webster - Co F, 143rd Illinois Infantry

Noah Webster - 78th Illinois Infantry

John Weeks - Co B, 115th Infantry

Joseph Marion Weir - Co. C, 15th Cavalry

Stewart Welker - Co D, 115th Infantry

Captain J. A. Wells

Joel T. Wescott - 107th Infantry

Silas Wesson - Co K, 8th Cavalry

Joseph G. Wheat - Co B, 104th Illinois Infantry

Captain J. A. Whitaker - Co E, 115th Infantry

Levi White - Co E, 115th Infantry

William White - Unknown Co, 90th Illinois Infantry

John W. Whitmore - Co F, 119th Illinois Infantry

James Knox Polk Wilkins - Unknown Co, 56th Illinois Infantry

Andrew A. Williams - Co G, 55th Illinois Infantry

Jim Williams - 95th Infantry

Loton G. Williams - Co G, 115th Infantry


Wesley Willson - Co C, 89th Infantry

James F. Wilson - Co H, 2nd Cavalry

William Winders - Co K, 102nd Infantry

Carl Martin Wittstruck - Co M, 11th Cavalry

Colonel John S. Wolfe - 135th Illinois Infantry


Leonard Wolfe - Co H, 51st Illinois Infantry


Captain Lee Woods - Co I, 38th Infantry


James N. Wooley - Co H, 154th Illinois Infantry


Isaac Workman - Co G, 2nd Cavalry

Zenas C. Worley - Co B, 86th Illinois Infantry

John Wren - Co D, 115th Infantry

Carey C. Wright - Co B, 47th Illinois Infantry

George Wright - Co B, 64th Illinois Infantry

D. Lambert Wyckoff - Co I, 137th Illinois Infantry

Byron F. Wyman - Co F, 113th Infantry


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For corrections or additions, please contact Special Project Coordinator: Kimberly Morgan

Last Edited: 11 Mar 2025

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