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Photo Album of Illinois Civil War Soldiers

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Charles Lane - 64th Illinois Infantry

Sgt. John E. Lane - Co A, 16th Illinois Infantry

Captain John Lane, Co E, 115th Infantry

Colonel James W. Langley - 125th Illinois Infantry

Thomas J. Langley - Co A, 115th Infantry

Joseph Langston - Co F, 93rd Illinois Infantry

Major John W. Lapham - 115th Infantry

George G. Large - Co A, 115th Infantry

John A. Larimer - Co C, 33rd Illinois Infantry

Daniel Burton, Frank E. Hanaford, Andrew Lascell, Marvin Sheldon, Benjamin F. Gardner - Co E, 14/15th Illinois Infantry

General Michael K. Lawler - 18th Illinois Infantry

Lt. L. A. Lawrence - Co H, 102nd Infantry

Jacob G. Layman - 118th Infantry

John H. Layman - 118th Infantry

Lemuel S. Lee - Co H, 8th Illinois Infantry

Alfred B. Leeper - Co A, 115th Infantry

Samuel LeFevre and Leonard Pierpont - Co K, 76th Illinois Infantry

Henry F. Leonard - Co C, 42nd Illinois Infantry

Benjamin P. Levick - Co C, 33rd Infantry

A. E. Lewis - 73rd Infantry

Captain Edward J. Lewis, Co C, 33rd Illinois Infantry

Merritt Lewis - Co E, 51st Infantry

Henry Lindsey - Co I, 95th Illinois Infantry

Thomas Lindsay - Co F, 95th Illinois Infantry

Charles Lindquist - Co C, 42nd Infantry

Allen Litsenberger -Adjutant & Lt., 115th Infantry

Captain David Lloyd - Co K, 93rd Infantry

George O. Lloyd - Co B, 52nd Infantry

Capt. Erasmus R. Loar - Co C, 3rd Illinois Cavalry

James E. Logan - 118th Infantry

Thomas Logan - 118th Infantry

William J. Long - Co D, 73rd Infantry

Jonathan B. Lott - Co C, 33rd Illinois Infantry

Ross Lowry - Co H, 2nd Cavalry

Captain Robert B. Lucas - Co D, 118th Infantry

Sgt. Joe Ludley - Co F, 45th Illinois Infantry

Martin Van Buren Luther - Cos F and C, 13th Cavalry

Charles H. Lutz - Co A, 11th Infantry





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For corrections or additions, please contact Special Project Coordinator: Kimberly Morgan

Last Edited: 10 Mar 2025

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