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Photo Album of Illinois Civil War Soldiers

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Samuel Sager - Co F, 26th Infantry

Brigadier General Edward S. Salomon

Daniel W. Sanders - Co I, 128th Infantry

Larkin L. Sanders - 128th Infantry, Co F, 9th Infantry

Luke R. Sanders - Co C, 128th Infantry

Unidentified Sanders - 128th Infantry

William R. Satterlee - Co F, 126th Illinois Infantry

Almon Schellenger - Co K, 95th Illinois Infantry

Capt./Maj. Joseph H. Scibird - Co B, 70th Illinois Infantry

Lt. Scholds - 108th Infantry

Alexander Scholl - 118th Infantry

Orlando D. Schooley - Co G, 18th Illinois Infantry

Charles Schriber - Co G, 8th Illinois Cavalry

Hezekiah Pierpont Schuyler - Co I, 95th Illinois Infantry

John J. Schuyler - Co I, 95th Illinois Infantry

1st Lt. Ezekiel K. Schwartz - Co B, 115th Infantry

John Scott
C Company 16th Illinois Infantry

Egbert M. Scudder - Co C, 42nd Illinois Infantry

Capt. Dan M. Sedwick - Co E, 102nd Infantry

Jonas Seeley - Co C, 4th Illinois Cavalry

Jacob A. Shafer - Co A, 83rd Illinois Infantry

Alvin Shannon - 55th Illinois Infantry

Simeon Pettit Shaver - Co E, 17th Illinois Cavalry

G. C. Shearer - Co C, 115th Infantry

Daniel Burton, Frank E. Hanaford, Andrew Lascell, Marvin Sheldon, Benjamin F. Gardner - Co E, 14/15th Illinois Infantry

Samuel L. Shellenberger - Co B, 3rd Cavalry

A. Shepard - Co C, 115th Infantry

Samuel Shepard - Co C, 123rd Illinois Infantry

Augustus Sherman - Co D, 102nd Infantry

Alfred Shively - Co F, 115th Infantry

William F. Sigler - Co I, 98th Illinois Infantry

Lt. Col. Sidwell - 108th Infantry

Rowan Simmons - Co D, 28th Illinois Infantry

Thomas Simmons

William L. Simmons - Co A, 29th Illinois Infantry

Thomas J. Simpson -Co C, 2nd Cavalry

Benjamin Sisler - Co E, 45th Infantry

Nathan Sizelove - Co M, 2nd Illinois Cavalry

Joseph J. Slaughter - Co H, 115th Infantry

Captain Eleazer Slocum - Co B, 115th Infantry

Andrew Smith - Co B, 103rd Illinois Infantry

Benjamin F. Smith - Co B, 86th Infantry


Daniel Smith - Co D, 110th Illinois Infantry

Hugh Andrew Smith - Co E, 21st Illinois Infantry
John Bailey Smith - Co B, 41st Illinois Infantry
Williams B. Smith - Co B, 41st Illinois Infantry
Samuel D. Smith - 154th Illinois Infantry

John Araldon Snell - Co E, 128th Illinois Infantry

Cornelius Snyder - Co H, 52nd Illinois Infantry

John Spanger - 118th Infantry

James Spence - Staff, 2nd Cavalry

Britton Stacey - Co F, 131st Illinois Infantry

Elisha Gilbert Ward Stafford - Co I, 155th Illinois Infantry

Marion D. Stanton - Co B, 65th Illinois Infantry

Dr. Thomas Strange Stanway - 102nd US Infantry

Theodore Stark - 143rd Infantry

Captain Erasmus D. Steen - Co B, 115th Infantry


Colonel Ferdinand D. Stephenson - Field & Staff, 152nd Illinois Infantry

Captain Edward Stevens - Unknown Co and Regiment

Victor Stevens - Captain, Co H, 20th Infantry

Allen B. Steward - Co A, 153rd Illinois Infantry

Andrew Jackson Stewart - Co A, 35th Illinois Infantry

Jackson Stewart - Co F, 15th Cavalry

Jacob P. Stewart - Co F, 103rd Illinois Infantry

Dr. James G. Stewart - Co F, 16th Illinois Infantry

William C. Stewart - Co A, 35th Illinois Infantry

John Reid Stiles - Co D, 7th Cavalry

William Davis Stilley, Jr. - Co C, 15th Illinois Cavalry

Marcus Lionel Stiles - Co D, 7th Cavalry


Capt. William Henry Stiles - Co G, 7th Illinois Cavalry

James Marshall Stinson - Co H, 56th Illinois Infantry

S. C. Stitt - 108th Infantry


A. N. Bohanon, J. W. Ferguson, ? Graney, Tom Stokes - Co A, 60th Illinois Infantry

David Stone - Co G, 103rd Infantry

Elijah B. Stone - Co M, 10th Illinois Cavalry

George Henry Stone - Co B, 19th Infantry

Thomas Stone - Co D, 115th Infantry

Henry Stork - Co C, 46th Illinois Infantry

Benjamin Stout - Battery G, 2nd Illinois Light Artillery

George Washington Stretch - 88th Infantry

Jonas D. Strong - Co K, 17th Illinois Cavalry

Charles Styles - Co E, 100th Illinois Infantry

Brice Suffield - 33rd Infantry


G. W. Sumter - Co K, 115th Infantry

Captain Mason Sutherland - Co E, 113th Illinois Infantry

Fenton Sutton - Co A, 86th Infantry

Lyman Sutton - 5th Illinois Cavalry

Daniel L. Swander - Co B, 86th Illinois Infantry

Dr. William H. Swander - Assistant Surgeon U.S. Army

Colonel Francis Swanwick - Co D, 22nd Illinois Infantry

Amos E. Sweet - 13th Infantry

John W. Swegle - Co D, 103rd Illinois Infantry

John W. Swindell - Co C, 42nd Illinois Infantry


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For corrections or additions, please contact Special Project Coordinator: Kimberly Morgan

Last Edited: 10 Mar 2025

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