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Photo Album of Illinois Civil War Soldiers

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Abraham Maple - Co K, 47th Illinois Infantry

William A. Markwell - Co E, 115th Infantry

Captain Arthur W. Marsh - Co C, 118th Illinois Infantry


Lt. Col. Benjamin F. Marsh, Jr. - Staff, 2nd Illinois Cavalry

Sheldon Marsh - Co C, 13th Infantry; Co I, 56th Infantry

Austin Martin, Jr. - Co C, 8th Cavalry

Delos Parkle Martin - Co C, 8th Cavalry

Elgin H. Martin - Co B, 115th Infantry

George Washington Martin - Co C, 73rd Infantry

James M. Martin - Co E, 115th Infantry


Jerome A. Martin - Co H, 69th Infantry

John A. Martin - 33rd Infantry

John Goodwin Martin - Co K, 122nd Illinois Infantry

Joseph E. Martin - Unknown Regiment

John J. Mathews - 83rd Infantry

William Mayberry - Co G, 40th Illinois Infantry

R. J. McAfee - Co A, 115th Infantry

Col. John McArthur - 12th Infantry

Patrick Henry McBride - Co K, 9th Illinois Cavalry

Jacob McCammond - Co K, 92nd Illinois Infantry

Davidson McCampbell - Co B, 104th Illinois Infantry

Robert W. McClaughrey - 118th Infantry

1st Lt. Charles C. McComas - Co F, 115th Infantry

William McConchie - Co C, 42nd Illinois Infantry

James H. McCoy - Co A, 115th Infantry

John James McCready - Co F, 119th Infantry

Lt. Col. William McCullough, 4th Illinois Cavalry

Oliver McDaniel - 73rd Infantry

Alexander McEathron - Co G, 15th Infantry

James McGowan - 31st Illinois Infantry

G. K. McGuire - 108th Infantry

Josiah McKee - Co C, 33rd Illinois Infantry

Thomas B. McNeely - Co B, 115th Infantry

John C. McNeil - Co C, 33rd Illinois Infantry

James Y. Merritt - Co K, 102nd Illinois Infantry

George Meyer - Co B, 2nd Cavalry

John Charles Michie - Co K, 12th Illinois Infantry and Co F, 37th Illinois Infantry

Woodrow Michiner - Co C, 71st Infantry

R. T. Middleton - Co F, 115th Infantry

Lt. Col. Daniel L. Miles, 47th Infantry

Alexander Miller - 108th Infantry

Gabriel P. Miller - Co E, 80th Illinois Infantry

William A. Mixon - Co I, 1st Illinois Cavalry

James Moody
H Company, 50th Infantry

Edwin Moon - Co I, 115th Infantry

Marshall H. Moon - 3rd and 4th Cavalry

John A. Mooney - Co K, 12th Illinois Infantry

Dr. Enoch W. Moore - Major, 115th Infantry

Maj. George Moore - Staff, 2nd Cavalry

Colonel Jesse H. Moore - 115th Infantry

Levi B. Moore - 118th Infantry

Colonel William P. Moore - 49th Infantry

John Moreland - Co D, 115th Illinois Infantry


John Morris - Co C, 111th Infantry

John Morrison - Co A, 102nd Illinois Infantry

William Morton - Co E, 51st Infantry

Gouldsmith Moulineaux - 8th Infantry

Col. John Mudd - Staff, 2nd Cavalry

John Murdock - Co B, 115th Infantry

Christian and Amaziah Murphy - Co G, 123rd Illinois Infantry

John Myers - Co F, 26th Infantry




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For corrections or additions, please contact Special Project Coordinator: Kimberly Morgan

Last Edited: 10 Mar 2025

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