Newspaper Articles Regarding Reunions of Co. D, 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Submitted by Craig Crawford, whose gr-gr-grandfather, John Moreland, was a member of Co. D, 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry and participated in the "Battle of Buzzard Roost Gap"

Go to page 2 or page 3 of Newspaper Articles describing the Reunions of the 115th Illinois, Co. D

See also newspaper articles describing the "Battle of Buzzard Roost Gap"

Fifty years ago Memorial Day was a big occasion in Rushville, with Civil War veterans being honored guests for whom a program was usually held, with a parade in which all school children participated.

In the above picture, furnished The Times by Mrs. Alice Garrison, are shown some of those Civil War Veterans. This picture was taken about 1904 or 1905, at the home of Edwin Dace, father of Mrs. Garrison, who then lived in the house now occupied by Dr. J. M. Lee. These veterans, all members of Co. D 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry gathered at the Dace home to pay tribute to Col. Poteet and Capt. Samuel Hymer, both of whom then lived in Kansas and stopped off here on their way to Springfield to attend a regimental reunion at the Illinois State fair.

Mrs. Garrison has identified each of them from left to right, as follows: On ground - William Tyson, Cartwright Dupue, John Ren, Michael Dace (100 years old); on chairs - Col. Poteet, David Smedley, Alex Lenover, William Underhill, Capt. Samuel Hymer; standing - Perry Tolle, John Moreland, George Gregory, Wes Robertson, John Bowman, Overton Parke and Edwin Dace.

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